
Every company possesses enormous untapped potential for accelerating growth and increasing profitability. The Mira strategic planning process identifies opportunities and formulates effective strategies to address challenges with the minimum objective of doubling the company's net profits within 18 to 24 months.
The most important elements of this approach are: energy, the five engines of growth, and values.

Energy is the fuel for all achievement. Every company has a vast reservoir of energy that can be released and harnessed to raise sales and profitability.

Every company consists of
five basic components:
Market, Technology, People,
Organization, and Capital.
All five can be converted into
powerful engines of growth.
Optimal and sustained growth
requires systematic and
balanced development of each
of the five engines as elements of an integrated strategy. |

Successful plans incorporate not only quantitative targets, but qualitative goals as well, i.e. corporate values. Using values to elevate performance is essential for high productivity and maximum profitability. |
Elk Grove, CA 95757,USA.