
1. Performance-Based Consulting
Mira also works with clients on a performance basis in which compensation is primarily on the basis of achieving agreed upon goals for increasing profits plus a modest monthly retainer during the course of the contract. Fees and terms are negotiated on a case-by-case basis.
Strategic Business Assessment
Phase I Studies
Mira conducts strategic business assessments for companies to evaluate the present performance of their businesses, assess prospects and potentials for growth, identify unutilized strengths and unaddressed weaknesses, and formulate specific recommendations to accelerate growth and improve profitability. Our typical objective is to present recommendations that can double or triple profits within 18 to 24 months.
We focus on the process of corporate growth and ways to energize a company to accelerate its progress. The study covers all five components of the business-
- Market - the needs in the market that the company seeks to service and how it meets those needs, including sales, marketing, customer service.
- Technology - the products and services the company offers to meet customer needs including product development, design, engineering, production, service delivery, quality and productivity.
- People - recruiting, training, compensating and motivating employees, with emphasis on eliminating stress and changing attitudes that impede on growth.
- Finance - the strategies and systems the company utilizes to raise, invest, and manage financial resources.
- Organization - the structures, systems, communication and coordination management utilizes to deliver value-added products and services to meet customer needs, with major emphasis on streamlining systems to support smoother, less stressful, more rapid and efficient performance, so the business can naturally expand.
Phase II Projects - Implementation Programs
Mira works closely with clients to implement recommendations and achieve tangible results. Phase II projects can be focused on specific issues such as value implementation, project management, systems development or compensation plans or they may focus on comprehensive implementation of all the strategies needed to achieve targeted revenue and profit goals.
2. Strategic Planning Process
Mira conducts strategic planning processes to energize individual companies, business associations and not-for-profit organizations for higher financial and qualitative performance.
- Identfy and respond to opportunities and challenges.
- Establish a clear direction for growth.
- Raise the energy level of the organization.
- Elevate morale and actively involve people.
- Streamline operations to reduce stress and improve efficiency.
- Improve all aspects of financial management and performance.
- Formulate mission, values, goals and objectives.
- Analyze the business environment, market and competition.
- Evaluate and prioritize opportunities.
- Develop growth strategies for each of the five components - market, technology, people, organization and finance.
- Develop detailed, time-bound action plans for implementation of the strategies.
- Monitor plan implementation.
- In-company interviews with managers and key employees to identify issues to be addressed.
- Written surveys to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the five components.
- Off site planning sessions with your management team to formulate the basic elements of the plan.
- Post planning follow up and implementation support, including tracking with Mira's proprietary planning software.
Elk Grove, CA 95757,USA.